Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our patients and our Team. In light of COVID-19, we have implemented additional protocols and procedures in order to set your mind at ease and ensure your trust in us. Going forward and on a daily basis, the following is a list of the steps we will take to promote a safe and clean environment:
We ask that all patients self-monitor daily for any COVID-19 symptoms and complete a self-assessment screening prior to entering the clinic by answering the following questions:
In the past 14 days:
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
- Has someone you are in close contact with tested positive for COVID-19?
- Has someone you are in close contact with been suspected of having COVID-19?
- Have you recently traveled or been in close contact with a recent traveler who is ill?
If you have answered YES to any of these questions, you will be required to reschedule your appointment.
Do you have any of the following cold/flu symptoms?:
- Fever
- Shortness of breath
- New or worsening cough
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Feeling unwell
If you have answered YES to any of the symptoms listed, you will be required to reschedule your appointment. You will be able to return to the office provided that you have a negative COVID-19 test result and be symptom free for 24 hours or alternatively, you can choose to wait 14 days from the onset of symptoms.
Other Changes:
A plexiglass barrier is set up between the front desk and the reception area and treatment rooms are sanitized between each patient.
OHG’s healthcare providers will wear a mask while caring for you and all patients must come to their scheduled appointment wearing a disposable or reusable mask. If you do not have a mask, we will have masks available by donation.
You will be required to sanitize your hands upon entering the office. We ask that you please remove gloves prior to entering the office if you are wearing them. Hand sanitizer is readily available throughout the clinic.
You will only be able to enter the clinic at the time of your scheduled appointment. If you are early or running late for your appointment, please do not just show up. We ask that you call the clinic to see if we are still able to see you. Please understand that if you are late, we may not be able to fit you in. Appointments are spaced to permit social distancing and we are limiting the number of patients in the clinic for care at a given time.
Please do not bring anyone with you to your scheduled appointment. Exceptions will be made if you require assistance or if the appointment is for a child who requires a chaperone.
NO walk-in appointments are permitted at this time. All appointments must be scheduled in advance to avoid contact between patients.
Thank you for your time, your patience and understanding,
Your Ottawa Health Group Team
Tags: COVID-19, Covid-19 Protocol